The National Directorate for the Environment (DINAB) and its partners in the COMBO+ Program, the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Foundation for the Conservation of Biodiversity (BIOFUND), held their second meeting to establish the Technical-Scientific Unit to Support Biodiversity Offsets on May 2nd, 2024, in Maputo City. The meeting was attended by 14 participants from 4 different sectors.

The newly created Technical-Scientific Support Unit for Biodiversity Offsets is a multisectoral entity foreseen under Ministerial Diploma nº. 55/2022 of May 19th. It is composed of government, private sector, civil society organizations and academics. Its main objective is to support the Environmental Impact Assessment Authority in making strategic and integrated decisions regarding the design, approval, implementation, evaluation, and monitoring of Biodiversity Offset Management Plans.

The purpose of the second meeting was to approve the Terms of Reference of the Technical-Scientific Unit, namely its final composition and mode of operation, as well as to update members on the process of implementing the Biodiversity Offsets Directive (Ministerial Diploma nº. 55/2022 of May 19th).