The COMBO+ Project in Madagascar was officially launched by the Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development, WCS Madagascar and Biotope Madagasikara on Monday the 20th of June 2022.
The event was attended by 60 participants, including partners of the COMBO+ Project in Madagascar (Office National de l’Environnement, la Fondation pour les Aires Protégées et la Biodiversité de Madagascar, la Fondation Tany Meva, la Faculté des Sciences d’Antananarivo), and stakeholders of the COMBO+ Project. The Director of the local office of the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) also attended the event.
Funded by the Agence Française de Développement (AFD) and the Fonds Français pour l’Envionnement Mondial (FFEM), the second phase of the COMBO Project (2021-2025) will continue to work in reconciling necessary economic development with conservation objectives by contributing to the definition and implementation of policies aimed at no net loss (NNL) or net gain (NG) of biodiversity.
For more information, please see the Madagascar COMBO+ page and its COMBO+ Madagascar Facebook page.